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Product Information :

Name :
Category :
  1. เครื่องจักร, อุปกรณ์เกี่ยวกับเครื่องจักร, เครื่องมือกล
Sub - Category :
  1. Counter / Timer (Timer)
Brand :
Product Type :
  1. สินค้า, ผลิตภัณฑ์

Product Detail :

- Timing Relay 
- Plug-in type (14 pins) 
- Multi operation mode 
- Various time ranges

Suffix code

Model Code Information
T21-  - Timing Relay
Time Range 1     1 sec, 10 sec, 1min, 10 min Select by DIP switch
3     3 sec, 30 sec, 3min, 30 min
6     6 sec, 60 sec, 6min, 60 min
3H     3 hrs, 6 hrs, 12 hrs, 24 hrs
Contact 4   4a4b
Power supply voltage A20 200 - 230 V a.c
D24 24 V d.c


Model AC T21 - 1 / 3 / 6 / 3H - 4A20
DC T21 - 1 / 3 / 6 / 3H - 4D24
Power supply
AC 200 - 230 V a.c 50/60 ㎐
DC 24 V d.c
Operating voltage range Power supply voltage ±10 %
AC 3.1 VA max (230 V a.c 60 ㎐)
DC 1.5 W max (24 V d.c)
Reset time 100 ms max
Time Range 1 0.1 sec ~ 10 min
3 0.3 sec ~ 30 min
6 0.6 sec ~ 60 min
3H 0.3 hrs ~ 24 hrss
Accuracy of operating time ±1 % FS max
Setting error ±10 % FS max
Control output Output mode Power on delay, Interval, Flicker OFF Start, Flicker ON Start
Capacity 250 V a.c 3A Resistive load
Life expectancy Mechanical : 10 million operations min,
Electrical : 200,000 operations min
Insulation resistance 100 ㏁ min (at 500 V d.c, Between current-carrying terminals
and exposed noncurrent-carrying metal parts.)
Dielectric strength 2000 V a.c 50/60 ㎐ 1minute (Between current-carrying
terminals and exposed noncurrent-carrying metal parts.)
Noise immunity ±2 kV (Between power terminal, pulse width ±1 ㎲, square wave noise by noise simulator)
Vibration resistance 10 - 55 ㎐ (For 1 min), Double amplitude 0.75mm, X, Y, Z each direction for 1 hour
Shock resistance 300 ㎨ X, Y, Z each direction for 3 times
Ambient temperature -10 ~ 50 ℃ (Without condensation)
Storage temperature -25 ~ 65 ℃ (Without condensation)
Ambient humidity 35 ~ 85 % RH
Weight Approx. 42 g

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